Sunday 6 July 2014

Will UK Guides be able to cook on open fires..?

... a question which I today learnt troubled the Tanzania Girl Guides as discussions began some years back about a GOLD (Guiding Overseas Linked with Development) partnership with Girlguiding UK. They were concerned that GOLD groups would expect a high standard of facilities and may be fazed by some of the traditions that are part of Guiding in Tanzania. 

The reality proved to be very different. Sarah and Adela described how the GOLD groups working with Tanzania had thrown themselves into every opportunity their country offered, even wearing the traditional dress known as the khanga. Singing and dancing broke through the language barrier and the UK teams established strong bonds with the Tanzanian children and leaders they met.

I gained these insights at a workshop I ran first thing for past and current GOLD partners, and others interested in hearing more about these unique international projects, prepared with a lot of fantastic help from Anna and Carly - the volunteer-staff team behind GOLD.  It was fascinating hearing about GOLD from the perspective of the organisations with which we work. Lilet from Armenia said she was amazed to hear how much the UK participants gained from these projects - she'd seen the benefits as all one-way. 

'Inspirational', 'amazing', 'confidence-boosting', 'life-changing' are among the descriptions frequently used by GOLD participants reflecting on their three weeks working with a partner Guiding organisation on development aims, such as leader training or establishing new programme areas. I explained how these experiences add immense value to Girlguiding UK as leaders return enthused and equipped to cope with any challenge thrown at them. 

Views from the other side of these projects were offered by representatives from Malawi, Egypt, Chile and New Zealand, as well as those from Tanzania and Armenia, and I felt so proud hearing about the difference GOLD has made. 

GOLDies - please do take a bow....

With Sarah and Adela from Tanzania

1 comment:

  1. This is GREAT! Fab to hear that the Tanzanian leaders had such a positive experience, as all the UK participants do! Exactly what GOLD is all about! Hopefully lots more associations interested in partnerships for the future too....
