Thursday 10 July 2014

Free Being Me

I've struggled with body confidence
My friends struggle with body confidence
Young women struggle with body confidence
Girls struggle with body confidence
That's why we need to do something about it now. Working together across the world we can make the change required to enable girls and young women to be body confident.

Free Being Me is a project WAGGGS has developed in partnership with Dove and is for 7-14 year olds. Over several sessions participants take part in fun and informal activities which enables them to increase their body confidence. Activities are age appropriate and allow them to realise that there is no ideal body, but infact everyone is special and unique and differences are celebrated. As a result of increasing their body confidence their self esteem increases and even during the sessions this can be seen. For example one participant in a Guide unit I ran the sessions for was dyslexic and never read out in front of other people. At the end of the first session however she read out a press release stating why people shouldn't believe in the image myth. Her leader and mother was shocked and so happy that she had found the confidence to do this. This is just one example of the amazing results of the project. 

Some member organisations across the globe have already started Free Being Me (just like the UK) and it has been amazing to talk to the individuals involved and hear what is happening in their country. From plans in Australia to examples of sessions being run in the USA to Tiawan. The most impressive was a shopping centre lock in where activities were run throughout the night; an amazing out of the box idea! 

During the Global Converstation section of the conference Free Being Me was presented to the world! Shocking statistics were displayed really showing that body confidence is a global issue and the need for action to be taken. When asked if they were willing to help join the body confidence revolution all Country cards were put up in support. This was an amazing sight to see that everyone was in support of such and important issue.

Some of the stats:
Globally only 11% of girls would call themselves beautiful.
1 in 2 British girls don't feel comfortable leaving the house without make up on. 
85% of girls in a Hong Kong study said they wanted to weigh less. Only 5% were clinically 'overweight'.

It was then my turn on stage to address the world conference, not only were delegates in the room, but also Members of Olvae Baden Powel Society, so the room was packed. Explaining how we are delivering Free Being Me in the UK through peer education allowed everyone to realise the power of peers delivering this topic. Enabling the facilitator to relate to the young participants, and young participants to facilitator is key and really impacts everyone's learning.

There was a real buzz in the air after the session and so many people wanting to find out more. How can this fit with my organisation? How can we do it with so few members? And the questions went on and on! In fact it took me so long to get around the international market that evening due to questions and congratulations on my speech, including from Princess Benedikte from Denmark. An overwhelming feeling!

Free Being Me has had a massive impact on me, and during the conference have been able to spread my passion for body confidence globally. If I have just been able to inspire one or two other people or countries to participate, or become more body confident, I will feel like I have accomplished something.

So to finish I challenge you to think how amazing your body is and what it can do, what unique features you have and what makes you special. Please comment below to help us celebrate our bodies.

To find out more about Free Being me visit or check out the Girlguiding website where you can find a page to book sessions for your UK unit.



  1. I love the fact that I have the ideal body for me - it has never held me back from achieving what I want to.
    Congrats Laura on a brilliant speech :)

  2. My body lets me do all the things I love like cycling and walking. Most importantly though it lets me be a role model to my Brownies and join in and have fun with them. The more comfortable I become in it the more I achieve!
    Awesome job of spreading the Free Being Me message Laura
