Saturday 5 July 2014

Governance review

Before the conference gets underway we've got the chance to  look into somw of the bigger issues on the agenda through Deeper Understanding sessions. Angela and I have started off with governance.

WAGGGS have been working on the governance review for the past three years. It's great to see the results of something that was agreed at the World Conference in Edinburgh three years ago.

In terms of Charity law in the UK, WAGGGS is currently unincorporated. This means it is unable to do certain things, such as enter into contracts meaning that additional structures need to be created as work rounds, and the liability sits on the individual trustees. They have been working on a new constitution under the new form of Charitable Incorporated Organisaton (CIO).

Reviewing governance is important to ensure that the charity is fit for purpose, has robust ways to manage its strategy and operations wirh clear decision makng authority, and can show this to donors and other stakeholders.

Girlguiding UK will be supporting the adoption of the new constitution. We believe it is important to ensure that WAGGGS complies with charity law in the country in which they are based, that we have a clear and streamlined governing document, and that we have modern and more responsive ways to progress decision making between conferences.

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