Wednesday 9 July 2014

Motions, motions - and yet more motions!

This morning, as the conference drew to a close, it was time to get serious - and vote on all those issues which have been exercising us for the last few days. 

The session began with a repeat of one of the most moving features of the conference - the roll call.  This had already taken place at the start of the conference - in a somewhat festive atmosphere. Now, with a critical role to play in determining the 'voting strength' for the session, it took on a  more serious tone. As each Member Organisation's name was called, their delegation 'signed in' by raising their name board and pressing the voting button on their electronic key pad. '...Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Malta; Mauritius; Mexico; Mongolia; Myanmar; Netherlands; New Zealand;...' - there was no way I could capture them all. The length of the list and the diversity of countries which it represented really brings home the enormity of this amazing organisation.

With a few challenges with the electronic voting system finally navigated and the strategy for the next triennium as well as the most critical changes to the WAGGGS constitution agreed, the session drew to a close. Time now to reflect on the impact which the decisions made and issues debated over the last few days will have on girls and young women across the globe.

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