Thursday 10 July 2014

My 35th World Conference experience

The 35th World Conference, and my first World Conference, has come to an end and it's time to say goodbye to new friends we have met from all over the world. It's quite hard to summarise my personal experience, but I am going to give it a go below!

I felt so excited and privillged to be selected for the World Confernce, and although I had participated in international experiences before, I don't think anything can prepare you for this one! Papers and papers to read, digest, and make decisions on. Walking into a bubble once arriving at the airport with over 110 different nationalities which only bursts when you're out of the hotel, not in uniform, and not surrounded by new friends. Constant networking which again only stops when leaving the bubble! But mostly far too little sleep due to talking almost all night!

I feel I have both taken and given a lot to the conference. Spreading the message of Free Being Me really has to be a highlight, encourging and inspiring others to get on board with a body confidence revolution is not only exciting, but also important to enable us to make a change our world needs. I have also taken from this part though ideas and contacts which I can take back to the UK and to the rest of the team and see how we can use them to enable even more girls and young women to participate.

I have also taken so many messages from inspirational speakers and global leaders including:
Be the change you want to see
Together we can change the world and together we will
Plan a path to where you want to be

There are many more but these are the main ones which have sprung to mind as the most powerful.

Fun and friendship was a continuum throughout the conference, wherever you were or whoever you were with these two elements were shared. I know that I have made friends that I will see again and keep in touch with. 

There is so much more to Guiding and Scouting than just a local unit. You do not have to participate in an international even to experience/know that. WAGGGS is such a powerful  and amazing organisation that it's important we spread this globally and allow everyone involved to realise what we are part of, the difference we are making and the impact we can have working together towards a common goal. 

I am going to take what I have learnt and experienced into the future with me, to help increase the awareness of WAGGGS, and benefit our girls and young women. It has been a privilege and an amazing experience, thank you to everyone for your support, particularly the rest of the delegation for your support during the week.

Just before I end at the closing ceremony I participated in a skit on stage around the World Conference and social media. Thought I would share with you our week in twitter...

Thursday 3rd July....
Another international experience about to begin @wagggs_world conference #35 WoCo
And so the final members of the @Girlguiding delegation jet off to the #35WoCo

Friday 4th July...
We've arrived! #35WoCo @Girlguiding

Saturday 5th July....
Together we can change the world! 10 million voices @wagggs_world #35WoCo @Girlguiding
Young Women's leadership challenge complete! Visited Wong Tai Sin temple & met 2 female leaders in business! @wagggs_world #35WoCo @Girlguiding

Sunday 6th July...
@regalairporthotel   Proud to be at #openingsession of the @wagggs_world #35woco practising voting with #awesomeelectronicvotemachine
pumped for the #openingceremony of the #35woco
#dinnerisserved #somuchfood
Dancing the night away at #35woco #whoisthisband #justkeepdancing

Monday 7th July...
WAGGGS has seen a 4.13% increase in last triennium #35WoCo
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are still the most relevant organisations today @ProfLindaScott #35WoCo

Tuesday 8th July...
Thank you @nadineelachey and outgoing committee for all your  great work #35woco
Time to vote for the @wagggs_world world board with our #awesomeelectronicvotemachine #35woco
#bravo new Board Members especially @nicolagrinstead on you election as chair
Together we can make our girls #bebodyconfident and make a body confidence revolution #FreeBeingMe #35WoCo

Wednesday 9th July...
Almost time for the voting! Let's see what happens which will impact on our young people #35WoCo @Girlguiding
Young Women doing an amazing job opening the 35th World Conference closing ceremony #35WoCo #35YoWoCo
And that's the 35th World Conference. Amazing connections, extensive learning and empowerment to lead! #35WoCo #connectgrowimpact #hongkong

Hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures? Keep up the amazing work if you are already involved in Girlguiding, and if not help us to make the difference to girls and young women globally by getting involved.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for finding time in your very busy days to write such interesting blogs posts! I've really enjoyed reading them every day and feel I've been give a fantastic insight into what was happening at the conference.
